We Can Help

Are you looking for a Manchester bus accident lawyer? If your accident involved a bus or a train, you need to contact Buckley Law Offices immediately. Our experienced public transportation accident lawyers get results. We serve Manchester, NH as well as the entirety of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. We proudly offer free virtual consultations because we care.

Assistance from an Experienced Manchester, NH Public Transportation Accident Lawyer

We are lucky to have a robust public transportation system thanks to the City of Manchester and the Manchester Transit Authority. However, due to overworked, overtired professionals and overcrowded streets, we see more and more public transportation victims desperate for help every year. These bus and train accidents produce ghastly results. In general, we often see catastrophic loss of life and extreme injury. They cause a great amount of grief and usually hold space as a major life-altering event for the wounded parties and their loved ones. It is true that train accidents happen less frequently than bus accidents. Train accidents, however, devastate those involved after they occur. Bus and train accidents usually result from some form of negligence. This means parties may avoid them by practicing care.

What Makes Public Transportation Lawsuits Different

These public transportation vehicles managed by big companies make self-interested decisions. Unfortunately, they would rather not pay the victims the amount of compensation they deserve. Without an experienced Manchester bus accident lawyer on your side, they will see little reason to worry about you or your claim. Also, they retain endless resources, and they use these resources to fight victims. These insurance companies regularly try to get away with paying nothing or as little as possible. At Buckley Law Offices, we see this every day.

Attorney Buckley fights for justice on behalf of his clients so our clients don’t feel intimidated about going against these big companies. Our bus and train accident lawyer is dedicated to fighting for the cause of personal injury victims and will assess your case for free.

Image of Bus Representing Manchester Bus Accident Lawyer Experience

Why Choose Attorney Buckley to be your Manchester Bus Accident Lawyer

Were you or a loved one injured in a Manchester public transportation accident? Please contact us as soon as possible. Buckley Law Offices will advise you on the necessary steps to take to protect the merits of your case. In addition, we will ensure that you are provided with the best medical services. We’ll leave you to relax while we handle all the necessary paperwork for your case.

Our legal team boasts over 30 years of experience. Further, Attorney Buckley is full of compassion and will handle your case with your best interests at heart. He will do his best to ensure that you get the maximum compensation you deserve for both economic and non-economic damages.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a bus or train accident, then you should speak with a member of our team so that you can get started with seeking justice. Call us today at 877-595-8801 for a free case evaluation.

I’ve been involved in a Manchester bus accident, what should I do?

Were you injured or involved in a public transportation accident? If you plan to seek financial compensation, the next steps you take are crucial. Firstly, you must seek medical attention if you sustained an injury. If possible, obtain contact details of any witnesses and take pictures of the accident scene.

It is, however, advisable to seek medical attention even if you believe damage did not occur to your body. This is because hidden injuries may trouble you later. The decision to pursue legal action is usually dependent on the nature of the injuries sustained. This is why it is important to seek medical attention.

Secondly, consult an experienced attorney that is able to handle your case. Among other things, our public transportation lawyer assesses if the other party was negligent and if you have a valid case that requires compensation. Ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. The steps outlined by Buckley Law Offices of New Hampshire and Massachusetts are essential for anyone who has been involved in a bus or public transportation accident. Because we care, and because we take action, Buckley Law Offices wins.

Free Initial Consultations, Available 100% Virtually for your Convenience

Buckley Law Offices offers free initial consultations for anyone involved in a bus accident or in any other type of public transportation accident that occurred in New Hampshire or Massachusetts. Call 855-603-WINS (9467) today for your free consultation.


Phone: (855-603-WINS (9467)
Fax: (603) 595-6391


30 Temple Street, Suite 210
Nashua, NH, 03060


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